3 분 소요


What Matters

I think that’s an excellent point here’s the facts when we are reading applications and doing interviews, we are investing very very very early and we’ve been trained on what matters and what doesn’t matter and so let’s be real

  • what matters is does your idea make any sense yeah any sense?
  • do you know anything about it?
  • yes do you have the tech skills to build the thing or anything anything basically?
  • and can you get any customers?
  • yes it’s almost it’s so basic it shocks people what we are looking for is very basic stuff
    YC 지원서를 읽고 인터뷰할 때, 중점적으로 보는 것은 결국 기본이다. 아이디어가 합당한지, 아이디어에 대해 잘 알고 있는지, 그걸 만들 수 있는 기술이 있는지, 고객을 얻을 수 있는지. 이게 제일 기본이고 이런 사람들을 뽑는다.


we have to admit in the startup game you’re going after like a high risk low information and high commitment bet 스타트업 게임에서 우리가 추구하는 것은 고위험, 저정보, 그리고 장기적인 도박이라고 인정해야 할 필요가 있다.
and so I think we would argue it’s better to kind of focus on areas of your strength, areas that you know well like that’s where you can problems that you know a lot about that you personally observed, maybe you’ve solved even on a small scale as opposed to like let me get the VC toolbox out to try to judge which idea is good 우리는 자신의 강점, 자신이 잘 아는 분야에 집중하는 것이 좋다고 주장할 거예요. 여기에는 개인적으로 관찰한 문제들이 포함되어 있고, 아마도 작은 규모에서 심지어 해결한 경험이 있는 문제들이겠죠. 이것은 어떤 아이디어가 좋은지 판단하기 위해 VC 도구 상자를 꺼내는 대신에 하는 것임.

Positive Feedback

yeah I mean that is the job yeah and and again one way to detect this is that you spend all your time paying attention to fundraising Trends and the way you come up with the startup idea is to read what is raising money and then the thing that is raising the most money yeah and that’s the algorithm and then maybe raise some money and then then what yeah like that’s that is an algorithm we see a lot from this type of thinking which is all of these companies raise money I’m going to do it too and we’re just suggesting we’ve seen that not go well a lot of the time. 투자금을 모으기 위해 모든 시간을 쏟아붓고 돈이 잘 모일만 한 스타트업 아이디어를 읽고 하는 것들은 VC에게서 좋은 평가를 받긴 좋겠지만 실제로 매우 많은 경우에 잘 굴러가지 않았음.

First Customers

so like all right I uh what happens when founders think like VCS and then encounter the real world yep so you did your analysis you’ve done your validation there’s a big Market opportunity it’s on Trend VC is going to like it 창업자가 VC처럼 생각하고 실제 현실을 마주했다고 가정해보자. 큰 시장으로부터 검증이 되었고 분석을 했고 트렌드에도 맞아서 VC가 좋아한다.
I’m all lined up but now I got to get my first customer 그럼 첫 번째 고객은 어떻게 만들 것인가?
they’re already focused on scaling the company and raising money um and they’re like kind of like glossing over or being handwavy on how hard it is to get first customers 그들은 이미 회사를 확장하고 자금을 모으는 데 집중을 하고 있으며, 첫 번째 고객을 얻는 것이 얼마나 어려운지를 조금 간과하거나 무시하는 것처럼 보인다.
it’s funny it’s like they measured 60 times cut once the cut didn’t go well and some were like oh do I measure 60 more time like what I do this is the, this is one of the reasons we usually advise to launch quickly is so you get this hard medicine quickly yeah that your first launch is probably not going to work and no one’s going to want your thing yeah right 첫 출시가 아마도 제대로 되지 않을 것이고 아무도 당신의 것을 원하지 않을 것이다. 첫 번째 제품을 출시하고 실패하면 더 많은 시도와 개선(60번 측정)이 필요하며, 이를 통해 어려움을 극복하고 성공을 이뤄내야 한다.


